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Το έργο συγχρηματοδοτήθηκε από το Υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης & Τροφίμων & την Ε.Ε από το Ε.Γ.Τ.Π.Ε. - Π Στα πλαίσια του Ε.Π. «Α.Α.-Α.Υ. 2000-2006» ΑΞΟΝΑΣ 7 Ολοκληρωμένα Προγράμματα Ανάπτυξης Αγροτικού Χώρου (Ο.Π.Α.Α.Χ.) Μέτρο 7.9.3
A Place to Stay Print E-mail

• Agrotikon (Damasta) 
Agrotikon is an old detached villa built in 1923 in Damasta village, which is only 27 km far from the Herakleion International Airport, 30 km from Knossos Palace and 9 km from beautiful sandy beaches.

Contact number: +30 28 10 52 15 21 or visit www.agrotikon.gr/

• Arolithos Village (Tylisos) 
Traditional cretan village Arolithos is an A category hotel. It is found near the entrance of Tylisos from Heraklion. It houses a museum of Agricultural History and Popular Art and two traditional Cretan houses that serve as a folklore museum. Guided tours and receptions can be organised


Contact number: +30 28 10 82 10 50 or visit www.arolithosvillage.gr/

• Elena (Astyraki) 
The rooms for rent “ELENA” are traditional and stone-built rooms which have timbered ceilings and tiled roofs.  They were built in 1920 and were rebuilt in 1995 with the communal initiative  “LEADER” and they are  at the village Astiraki.

Contact Number: + 30 2810 51 01 41 or visit http://www.psiloritis.net.gr/elena/ 

• Ktima Kares (Tylisos) 
Only a few kilometers away from Heraklion is Tilisos vilage. There, by the mountains is Ktima Kares. Kares Estate is a family business which prides itself not only on offering all contemporary comforts but also on creating an atmosphere of effortless hospitality.

Contact Number: + 30 69 77 70 23 69   or visit http://www.ktimakares.gr/

• Rent Rooms (Kamariotis) 
• In Kamariotis, the local cultural club runs a "Rent a Room" facilities. Contact Number: +30 28 10 31 70 09

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